
MedBenefit® has been developed by Crenshaw Whitley & Associates, LLC, and made available as a unique offering to meet the needs of the healthcare marketplace.

MedBenefit® offers a number of services to ensure that healthcare organizations maintain the highest quality products and services from the leading insurance companies in the industry. We specialize in developing cooperative purchasing arrangements for regional healthcare alliances and their member organizations.

Alliance Program Development

Business Planning at MedBenefitMedBenefit® works with your organization to develop the most appropriate and comprehensive programs for your membership. MedBenefit® will take into account your alliance members employee benefit needs and budgetary considerations. We will also develop a forward looking strategy to insure your alliance member continues to understand the value of participating in your regional group purchasing organization.seperation

Alliance Program Management

Alliance Program Management at MedBenefit

MedBenefit® understands the special relationship you have with your member organizations. Our desire is to enhance the offerings that your member organization already provides to their employees.




Medical Programs at MedBenefit